MODERN DAVID Winter 2017 Participation Call
Participation is now open for MODERN DAVID.

I am looking for individuals named David to pose with their shirts off, depicting Davids of all colors, shapes and sizes. Any David age 13+ is open to participation.

It takes about forty five minutes of time and I give each participating David an 8x10" print of the final image.

I have a studio set up with High Concept Labs at Mana Contemporary in Pilsen and sometimes in Logan Square, Chicago. I'm available to photograph in the next few months- fill out this form if you would like to participate.

These are images of the Davids I already photographed: All Davids will be photographed in the same pose with the same lighting. Final images may be posted on my website / blog, compiled in book form, and/ or publicly shown in a gallery setting.

Fill out this form or email me with questions if you are interested in posing.
Thank you!
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What is your last name? *
What is your email address? *
What Date(s) are you available?
Davids will be emailed when scheduling becomes available, sessions occur periodically.
What time of day do you prefer?
Any questions or comments about the project or in general?
What is the best phone number to contact you? *
What is your FULL mailing address?
ex: 4000 W. Smith St., Chicago, IL 60641
What is your age? *
What is your ethnicity? *
How did you hear about Modern David?
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