PTO Information Form 2024-2025
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!  This form will be used by the administration, teachers, room coordinators, and the Upper Township Parent Teacher Organization (UTPTO) to provide classroom information and items to you and your student, such as party favors, spirit shirts, and classroom supplies.  Please complete this for EACH individual student in your household.  For example, if you have 3 students, you should complete the form 3 separate times.  There is a lot of information on this form, and it is best completed on a large screen, such as a desktop or laptop so you do not miss anything.  Thank you for your assistance!  Have a great year!
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Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student Grade  *
Student Teacher (Last Name only)
Parent Name 1 (First and Last) *
Parent Email 1 *
Parent Name 2 (First and Last)
Parent Email 2
Student T-shirt Size (Students may be provided with T-shirts for spirit days, field trips, or field days.  On some occasions, payment will be required.) *
Would you like to receive our monthly newsletter via email to stay up to date on all information and events? *
The Upper Township Parent Teacher Organization (UTPTO) is an incorporated organization with bylaws.  Members are parents and teachers who work together to enhance upper schools and make them better each year. Members plan student events, fund teacher requests and field trips, raise money, and share ideas. The Board and membership meet monthly.  All members are invited to attend meetings, volunteer at events, participate in school activities, and send in donated items.  It is $10.00 to join. Each family pays only one time.  Do not pay again for additional parents or siblings. Further volunteer participation is not required, but we need all the hands we can get!  Information is provided on the district website and the UTPTO Facebook page. If you have any questions, email  Join us in making this the best school year yet!

Would you like to be a member of the UTPTO?
This question is for PS and ES parents only:

One or two Room Coordinators are chosen for each Primary and Elementary School classroom.  Room Coordinators are parents who volunteer to help teachers organize classroom celebrations.  Many Room Coordinators maintain a private social media page to ask for volunteers, organize send ins, or share pictures.  Room Coordinators must be members of the UTPTO, are expected to volunteer for at least one PTO event during the year, and MUST attend a mandatory Room Coordinator Orientation on  Tuesday, October 8th, 2024 at 6:30pm in the Primary School Cafeteria.  

All Room Coordinators will receive an email on or before September 30 if they have been chosen for their classroom.

Would you like to be a Room Coordinator for your child's  classroom?
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