Disorient presents: Country Club XII- POSSIBILITIES OF PATTERN --------------- Art Proposal Form 2024
Thank you for your desire to make art or host an event at Country Club!

We're looking for a wide range of creative submissions.

An invitation to explore recognition of the self similar repeating patterns that create the conditioned phenomena available to experience in this world. A flexibility and rigor to recognize and interact with the apparent superstructures, finding skillful ways through, with, past and beyond.

Ideas explored include, coherence/decoherence, omniinterregulated structuring, hot swapping capable DNA sequencers, Japanese metabolism architects, Drop City, torus knot topopolis warehouse massives, chronostasis cowboys, Vector Equilibrium jitterbugging, subtle harmonic benders, newly apparent aperiodic monotile tessellations, holobiant upgrades through groove transpositionists

We love large scale art that connects in spirit with the natural features of the landscape.  Smaller pieces are welcome as well, interactive works will be given priority!  

All submissions should be able to withstand sun, rain, wind, heat and humidity. We have shade structures on site that can be utilized to build covered tarped tented spaces. You must bring a team to assemble and disengage, we can provide the pieces. 

Does your theme camp request placement?
Theme camp placement form: tinyurl.com/5xz82jxb

Want to host an event?
We also love workshops, gifts, and events that showcase our wonderful community.
Will you be hosting an event that you wish to be published in our Survival Guide?
Event submission form here: https://tinyurl.com/2p8mzkew

Please describe your artwork or event as completely as possible.

Questions? proposals@disorient.info

Thank you!  
Disorient Country Club 2023 Team
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Contact information
Name *
Professional Name *
This will be the artist name you want to appear in our survival guide and promotional material
Email address *
This information will remain private
Phone number *
This information will remain private
Project name *
Poetic/Flyer Description
How would you describe your artwork or event to participants
Artwork / Event Description *
A simple *physical* description of the piece, or mechanics of the event
Materials list and budget (if requested) *
Please list anything coming to the location, including equipment. We have limited grants budget for some artwork. If compensation for materials is required from Disorient, please itemize and bullet point the costs here.  Details are a must!  (Please note all grant funds for 2024 have been awarded.)
Creation needs *
If you need help or support from Disorient in order to *complete* the piece *before* the party (e.g. instructions or space or assistants or transportation) please note that here.
Date and plan: Transportation to the event *
What is your plan to transport the piece or event materials to Country Club? When do you plan to do it? If you don't know or need help, describe any special transportation needs.
Installation *
Describe your plan for installing the piece, or setting up for the event. Do you need help? How long will it take? What equipment do you require?
Team member names
Names as they need to be listed for the comp list
Lighting and electricity *
Check all the boxes that apply to your perfomance or installation. Describe details of checked items in 'Presentation Needs' below.
If you request power- how many watts will you draw?
Let us know so we can plan generator placement. Please give total watts of all items needing power. To Calculate wattage, please check this link here: https://www.wikihow.com/Calculate-Wattage
 Presentation needs (incl equipment or props) *
Does your work have particular needs *during* Country Club? Examples: volunteers, electricity, a specific location, somewhere to hang it
Removal plans *
You are responsible for disengaging your piece, all art must be removed by Tuesday after the event. Please detail your plan for removal:
 Plan for transport from the event *
What are your plans for transporting your work from the event? Does the piece require a truck?
All done. It's going to be a great year!
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