Roof Repair
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We’re proud to offer our clients a wide range of affordable home roof replacement and roofing services. When you turn to Cecil County Roofing Pros, you can rest assured knowing that you are getting licensed, insured, and bonded workmanship. When it comes to roof replacement options for your home, we have you covered. We’re the top local roofing company serving Cecil County Maryland, so can choose from today’s leading brands such as GAF, CertainTeed, and Owens Corning. Our energy-efficient roofing shingles and solutions will not only help protect your home well into the future but also ensure that you are truly getting the best return on investment for your home improvement project.

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New Roof Estimate
our roof serves as an umbrella for your entire home, protecting the structure as well as its contents from precipitation and severe weather. That's why when your roof is old or damaged, you need to make roof replacement a priority project. Unlike many home improvement projects, replacing your roof isn't a choice - if you put off a new roof for too long you risk damage to the structural integrity of your home!

How Do I Know If I Need a New Roof?

Sometimes it's obvious you need a new roof-catastrophic storm damage, gapping holes, etc. - but, in most cases, there is a judgment call involved. Missing shingles are a sign that your roof needs to be repaired at the very least, and if your attic has started to leak, you'll definitely want to replace your roof rather than repairing it. Unlike missing shingles, curling shingles always illustrate that your roof must be replaced, as they are beginning to fail. Ceiling stains and wet spots in your attic are indications that your roof needs to be replaced. Other problems may include missing flashing and blocked gutters, both of which prevent your roof from functioning optimally. If these issues are identified early enough, you can probably fix them before roof damage occurs; if not, the roof should be repaired or replaced.

Should I Repair or Replace My Roof?

With some types of roof problems, you'll need to choose between replacing and repairing your roof (missing shingles, damaged flashing, etc.). Two factors are crucial in this decision: first, the extent of the problem, and second, the age of your roof. For example, if your roof has a substantial leak, you'll be better off doing a complete replacement rather than a repair: your roofer won't be able to combat the moisture without taking the whole roof off, and potentially even replacing the plywood underneath. Also, if your roof is approaching or past its expected life span, there is no point repairing a small section, as you'll probably need to make additional repairs within a short time. You'll save money and hassle by doing a complete roof installation if your roof is older. However, if a few shingles have blown off and there is no leak, a roofing repair is probably a wiser choice.
Complete Roof Repair
Complete Roof Repair
Local roof repair
Has your roof started to show signs of wear? Whether your home has recently sustained storm damage or you’ve noticed missing shingles, interior leaks or problems heating and cooling your home, seek help from your local roofing professionals.
Useful Contents
Roof Repair Estimate Near Me
Your Shingles Are Missing or DamagedDamaged shingles can harm your home’s curb appeal and eventually cause leaks. Sometimes, signs of problems are not apparent until water starts leaking indoors. With routine roof inspections and by addressing issues before they worsen, you can avoid significant roof damage. Also, after a weather event, you should get a professional inspection even if your roof seems fine.There Are Water Stains on Your Ceilings and WallsAre there dark stains on your ceilings and walls? If this is the case, it’s best to contact a reliable residential or commercial roofing professional because you might be dealing with a leak. Locating the source of the leak isn’t usually the easiest of tasks. Sometimes, it’s even more difficult to find where water is coming from than performing repairs. Even if you believe that leak is small, you should still have it checked and fixed by an experienced roofer. Over time, even a minor leak can cause costly problems, such as mold, rot, insulation and ceiling damage. Mold or Moss Is Growing on Your Exterior WallsThe presence of mold or moss on the exterior of your home can be a sign that your roof is leaking. When left unaddressed, this issue will cause water to eventually travel indoors. An early sign of this problem is dampness on the exterior walls. If you find that your outside walls are damp, inspect the gutters, downspouts and other roofing components above it for problems. Your Gutters Are Rusting or DeterioratingGutters help keep various parts of your home in good shape, including the roof. It’s just one reason to take proper care of your gutter system. When it’s deteriorating or in poor condition, water can back up to the roof and seep into the shingles. It can also risk your basement, foundation, and landscaping damage. If your gutters have issues, such as rust, be sure to have them repaired immediately. You can prevent clogging by having the system routinely cleaned. However, if your gutters are beyond repair, you may need to have them replaced. Your Roof Vents Are BrokenProper ventilation is necessary for your roof to stay efficient and last longer. Plastic roof vents can be prone to cracks, and metal ones can break on the seams. Unfortunately, damaged roof vents can’t be repaired and would need to be replaced. Moreover, missing or pulled nails on the bottom edge of the vents’ base must be replaced with rubber washer screws. You Have Clogged or Dirty SoffitsAnother important attic ventilation component is soffits. They bring outdoor air into the attic while warm air leaves through roof vents. When air enters the soffit, it typically travels through an opening along the roof’s underside into the attic. These openings must remain clear to ensure efficient attic and roof ventilation. If they are dirty or have clogs, heat and moisture buildup can occur, leading to issues such as mold, mildew, rot and poor indoor air quality. Insufficient ventilation can also cause your HVAC system to work harder than it should to keep you comfortable. When this happens, your energy costs can increase, and your equipment may be more prone to malfunctions. You can ensure your roof stays well-ventilated by having it checked by professionals regularly. If you have leaks or need storm damage repair, make sure to deal with them as soon as possible. You Have Missing Gutter ApronWater can stay under the shingles and move toward the facia as to flows off the roof edge. Without a gutter apron, water will proceed behind the gutters. It will not take long before the soffit, fascia and roof sheathing rots. A common sign that your gutter apron is missing is water stains below the gutter on the soffit and fascia.  The Flashing Around Your Chimney Is RustingProtrusions on your roof, such as vents and chimneys, are more vulnerable to leaks. They require proper flashing, so they will not cause water to destroy your indoor spaces. Galvanized steel flashing on chimneys can be prone to rust, especially at the 90-degree bend at the bottom. While it could be tempting to repair or replace rusted chimney flashing, this job is best handled by a professional. Replacing damaged flashing can be a tricky task to do. For your safety and to avoid further damage, hire an experienced roofer. You’ve Noticed Stains Around a Bathroom FanHave you recently noticed that there are stains around your bathroom fan? It could be that your roof’s vent cap is leaking. The stains can also be caused by condensation due to an under-insulated bath fan. Without proper insulation, condensation can occur inside the ducts due to the warm, humid air from your living spaces. Your Plumbing Vent Boots Are DamagedPlumbing vent boots can come in plastic and metal, a two-piece metal unit or all-plastic. During an inspection, your roofer should inspect the base of the vent boots for cracks and broken seams. Over time, this component can deteriorate, causing water to penetrate your home along the pipe. A compromised vent boot usually needs replacement. However, if it is in good condition, but has missing or pulled nails at the base, the nails should be replaced with rubber wash screws used for metal roofs.
Shingle Over Old Shingles
Shingle Over Old Shingles
Roofing Repair Company
Roofing Repair Company
Flat Roof Installation
How to Find a Roof LeakIf you have an accessible attic, that’s the place to start to look for the leak. As most roofs are pitched, where the leak appeared on your ceiling and where it entered the roof are probably two different places.Look for Wet Spots on Sheathing or RaftersBring a flashlight and use it to detect any shiny or wet spots on the underside of the roof sheathing or rafters. If it’s an older leak, there may be rotted wood or dark mold growing around the site. If the rafter bays are insulated, you can also look for wet areas on the insulation batts.RELATEDHow to Patch a Leaking Rubber RoofIf you’ve managed to pinpoint the leak’s location, it’s time to get a ladder and find its cause. It may be obvious—missing or torn shingles, for instance, or exposed fasteners. Check the flashing around vent pipes, dormers, and roof-pitch transition points.Check for Holes or Tears in the FlashingCracks, tears, and holes in the flashing material are all likely suspects. Also, check for places where leaves and twigs may have built up and prevented water from draining away. It’s also a good time to assess the general health of the roof. Leaks can often be symptomatic of an old roof that needs to be replaced.If the roof is flat or low-pitched, look for penetrations or blocked drains. Another trouble area may be indicated by puddles—low spots from which the water can’t drain. While you’re walking around, feel for soft spots under the roof surface that may indicate damage caused by water.If you have trouble finding the leak, you might want to try to reproduce it by soaking different spots with a garden hose or bucket of water. Have someone on the inside watch out for telltale signs and call when they appear.How to Fix a Roof LeakAssuming you’ve found the leak, now onto the repair. Certain roof types, such as slate, tile, and galvalume (metal), should be repaired by a roofing contractor who has experience with that particular material. Also, roofing contractors have the necessary equipment (ladders, scaffolding, fall protection) to tackle really steep or challenging roof slopes, so if you’re not experienced, give them a call.Repair costs can vary from less than $100 for a simple asphalt repair to $5,000 or more for slate, tile, or metal roofs.
Roof And Gutter Company Near Me
Roof And Gutter Company Near Me
Complete Roof Repair
Complete Roof repair
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