We cordially invite you to take part in the following survey, created in cooperation with the Polish team and Caritas Bergen, with whom we have the pleasure to cooperate on a daily basis.

The survey was created especially for you to investigate the problem areas that you face every day while living in Norway.

Based on its results, we will create the first aid program for Poles in the Land of Fjords, in cooperation and with the support of Caritas Bergen and government institutions, combining the areas of legal assistance, psychological and coaching support, and activities aimed at integration with the Norwegian community.

Respecting your privacy, the surveys are anonymous.
Thank you for your time. :)
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Sex *
Year of Birth *
Where do you live? *
Civil status *
Do you have kids *
How long do you live in Norway *
Reason of coming to Norway *
Education *
Your level of norwegian *
Your level of english *
Professional situation *
Occupation performed *
How many years have you been working in Norway? *
Does your company / company you work for have a contract with Trade Unions? *
Are you a member of a trade union in your industry here in Norway? *
Do you have a minimum wage collective agreement at your company? *
Do you work at a rate in accordance with the applicable tariff in your industry? *
Have you encountered discrimination in the workplace, on the part of the employer or teammates, due to being Polish? *
I currently live in ... *
Do you own one or more property in Norway *
Are you satisfied with your life in Norway? *
Do you feel integrated with the Norwegian community? *
Do you have any Norwegian friends? *
Are you feeling lonely? *
Do you get help and understanding in solving your problems from your family, friends, relatives? *
Do you get help and understanding in solving your problems from the Norwegian employer, the Norwegian government, the commune? *
Do you feel happy in everyday life? *
Do you feel appreciated in your professional life on a daily basis? *
Do you feel appreciated in your private life on a daily basis? *
Have you recently (in recent months, in the era of a pandemic) experience deterioration of mood, uncertainty, decrease in energy and motivation? *
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