Which is the the most accurate description of your workplace demographics? *
To what extent do you believe that conflict is a disagreement of values or is purely circumstantial? *
Disagreement of values
To what extent is toxic masculinity (a cultural concept of manliness that glorifies stoicism, strength, virility, and dominance) an issue in your home or work life?
Not at all
A major issue
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What do you believe to be the most problematic aspect of toxic masculinity (a cultural concept of manliness that glorifies stoicism, strength, virility, and dominance)? *
To what extent are you satisfied with the current state of masculine culture? *
What do you believe to be the most common obstacle in conflict resolution (methods used to come to a mutually beneficial course of action)? *
How do you feel a statement like this would be received in your workplace? *
Do you believe this example is useful in your workplace? *
Very useful
The statement is an example of non-violent communication (NVC), a type of conflict resolution that involves empathy based communication to consider the needs/feelings and requests of all relevant parties. Do you believe that NVC has a place in modern conflict resolution? *
Do you believe "political correctness" (language used to give the least amount of offense surrounding gender, race, culture and sexual orientation) is effective at its purpose?
Your answer
Is there a personal experience involving power imbalance and toxic masculinity that you would be willing to share? (Please do not feel pressured to answer this question)
Your answer
Any other notes comments you would like to share?
Your answer
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