Bedford-Franklin Regional Rail Initiative Petition & Survey
Please help the BFRRI by completing this petition and short survey. If you have already signed the previous online petition, you need not sign it again, but you may answer the survey questions below.
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Click "yes" below to affirm your support for the initiative and sign the petition!
Name (First and Last) *
What is your street address? (This helps the BFRRI quantify the results of this petition. Your address will not be used for any other purpose.) *
Additional Information
You do not need to provide an answer to the following questions, but doing so would greatly help with our efforts to identify the needs of the greater Bedford-Franklin and Botetourt area.
In which of the following areas do you reside?
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How often do you use the train in either Lynchburg or Roanoke?
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If you answered "never" to the previous question, how likely are you to ride the train if there were a stop in Bedford?
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Regardless of your answer to the previous questions, if there were an Amtrak stop in Bedford, how many times a year would you anticipate using it?
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Which stops on the Northeast Regional line from Roanoke to Boston are you most likely to travel to?
For what reasons would you be taking the train?
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