THE PHILIPPINES: Members In-Country Activities Mapping 

Dear Member of the Nature Crime Alliance,  

As part of our ongoing efforts to map the activities and presence of our members across different regions, we kindly request your participation in completing this questionnaire if your organization has a presence and/or activities related to nature crimes in the Philippines. 

Your responses will help us better understand the geographical scope of our collective efforts and identify potential areas for collaboration within the Philippines. Please note that some of this information may be shared with other members to facilitate identifying synergies and collaborative opportunities. If any of the information you provide is sensitive and should not be shared outside of the Secretariat, please make sure to explicitly indicate this in the form.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your input is invaluable to our efforts in combating nature crimes worldwide. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. 

The Nature Crime Alliance Secretariat 

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Organisation Name: 


Contact Person (First & Last Name): 




Types of nature crime your organisation is working on in the country: 

Select all that apply 


Areas of work related to nature crime that your organisation is involved in: 

Select all that apply


Partners you work with in the country (part 1):  

Select the category(ies) of the main partners that you work with in the country: 

Clear selection

For each selected category above, please provide the name of the entity(ies) that you work with in the country (part 2): 

List any partners that are also members of the Alliance (list here):  

Description of activities: Please provide a brief description of each activity undertaken previously (in the past 5 years), currently under implementation or in the pipeline (Part 1): 

Suggested information to provide includes:

Dates and duration/Nature of activities (projects, programmes, campaigns, or initiatives)/ Objectives/Geographical scope (local, regional, national, transboundary)/ Partners/ Target issues/ Target groups or audience/approach and methods. 

Provide website links to descriptions of your in-country work, if available:

Any additional comments: 

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