Part 1: Learn Your Stressors
Any change in our lives, good or bad, big or small, can cause some level of stress. For example, this program -which challenges you to reconsider the way in which you may have thought about food, activity, and your body for most of your life- may be a little stressful! While stress is a normal part of life, the important part is how you can manage it. This first part of this activity is to help you understand the stress in your life.
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1) What are some things in your life that have made you feel stressed recently?
2) How do you feel when you are stressed? It is important to be aware of the signs that show you are stressed (ex. headache, tired, feel tense, anxious, increased pulse, difficulty concentrating, etc.).
3) What are the ways you currently cope with or respond to the stress in your life?
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