Female representation in the media and the "male gaze" survey.
Please fill out all questions the best you can with honesty. *All participants identities are anonymous and will not be shared with anyone*
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What do you Identify as? *
Age range *
Do you think all genders are equally represented in the media? (In terms of character design, outfits, etc.) *
If you answered no to the previous question, why?
Do you believe that the medias portrayal of women is accurate/respectful? *
Please elaborate on your earlier response and if feasible, include examples of specific media (TV, movies, songs, etc.). *
During your adolescence, how sexualized were/are women in the media? *
Who do you believe the target audience for women's representation in the media is? *
In terms of gender, who do you suppose is responsible for the majority of female representation in the media? (Production of films and television shows, songwriting, filmmaking, etc.) *
Has the representation and sexualization of women in the media impacted you personally? *
If you answered yes, how so?
Do you believe that the sexualization of women in the media has decreased in the past decade? *
Please explain your previous answer. (optional)
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We greatly appreciate it! Please press the submit button down below so your responses can be recorded.
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