Membership Application  

EHC was originally created within the framework of the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) in the early 90’s with the primary objective of reducing tobacco use among adolescents.  After a few years of leadership, DHEC encouraged its own representatives to step down from the lead roles within this coalition to encourage more community ownership. It is currently housed under the umbrella of the Tri-County Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse (TCCADA).  Although the main focus initially was on youth and tobacco issues, the coalition has recognized that alcohol and other substances including tobacco have a key connection to multiple health related issues such as alcohol and other drug abuse, nutrition, teen pregnancy, cancer, AIDS, etc.  EHC represents the most diverse and longest standing substance abuse prevention coalition within Orangeburg, Bamberg and Calhoun counties.

Community coalitions like ours are comprised of parents, teachers, law enforcement, businesses, religious leaders, health care providers, youth, pharmacists, government officials, youth serving organizations, media, civic and volunteer groups, and other community activists who are mobilizing at the local level to make their communities safer, healthier and drug-free.

Coalition building promotes coordination and collaboration while making efficient use of limited community resources. By connecting multiple sectors of the community in a comprehensive approach, we are able to make changes in our community to reduce substance abuse. Won't you join us?!

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Date of Application *
Membership Status *
Name *
Agency/Organization *
Title: *
Address *
E-Mail *
Telephone # *
Community Segment Represented *
What can your agency or organization contribute to the EHC? *
What can I personally provide? *
Any photographs taken of me during Edisto Health Coalition activities may be used by the Tri-County Commission on Alcohol & Drug Abuse for reporting purposes and/or in the promotion of prevention activities in the community. *
I am also a member of the following groups or organizations:
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