NSGFA rep coach application (2025)
Submission deadline: August 25, 2024

To apply for the position of head coach of a North Shore Stars rep team for the 2025 season, please complete the following application, which includes a few open-ended questions regarding coaching philosophies and approaches.

You must answer every question, and then read and confirm your consent at the end. Read each question carefully before responding. Lengthy responses are not expected but you should provide sufficient detail for us to properly evaluate your application.

Please note that rep coaches are required to be at the rep tryouts scheduled for September 7 and September 8 at Loutet.  

Direct any inquiries to rep@nsfastpitch.ca.

We reserve the right to reject any applications received after the submission deadline.
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Email *
Last name *
Mobile number *
What team do you want to coach? *
NCCP certification completed (select all that apply)
Provide a summary of your softball coaching experience and accomplishments.
Provide details of any non-softball coaching experience.
What experience do you have playing sports at a competitive or elite level?
List the names of the assistant coaches you plan to enlist (conditional on their child being selected to the team, if necessary).
Discuss your overall coaching philosophy and goals.
Discuss your approach to team versus individual development (including new vs. experienced players), player recruiting and retention, attendance, assignment of positions, and playing time.
Discuss your philosophy regarding the amount and types of team practice activities during the six months prior to the start of the season, and then during the season?
What is your plan for team fundraising?
Why do you want to coach this team? *
By submitting this application you acknowledge, consent and agree to the following:

You agree to comply with and uphold the by-laws, policies, procedures and guidelines established and updated from time-to-time by the North Shore Fastpitch Association (NSFA), Softball BC, and Softball Canada, including but not limited to the NSFA Rep Program Guidelines. You acknowledge NSFA's Rep Committee has sole and final discretion in establishing and interpreting relevant policies, procedures, and guidelines, and all decisions of the Rep Committee including but not limited to the selection of coaches are final and without appeal.

You and your proposed assistant coaches agree to attend the rep player try-outs (currently scheduled for September 7 and 8, 2023) and to assist with player evaluations and/or any other duties assigned to you during the try-out. You will not interfere with the player evaluation process or interact with, instruct or coach players during their try-out, except as and when necessary to carry out evaluation/try-out duties assigned to you, or as otherwise expressly permitted by the Rep Guidelines or upon agreement with the Rep Coordinator. You also agree to attend the try-out preparation meeting if there is one.

You consent to the use of your personal information for purposes of official records and communicating with you regarding coach selection, try-out and team forming processes and any subsequent rep program or association requirements. You acknowledge and agree that such communication may be via email or phone. You consent to NSFA sharing your personal information with Softball BC as required, and publication of your name and photo/likeness should your application be successful.

You acknowledge certain risks and hazards are inherent in the try-out process and coaching softball. You assume these risks and hazards, and hereby release, absolve, indemnify, and hold harmless the directors, executive, supervisors, organizers and sponsors of the NSFA.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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