2024-2025 Illinois TSA Honor Society
TSA Honor Society Document/Resume
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Candidate's Name *
Candidate's School Email Address *
Grade (Current Year) *
School Name *
TSA Chapter Level *
Overall (Cumulative) Grade Point Average *
Technology and Engineering Education Class(es) Overall Grade Point Average *
Have you been a TSA member at the local, state, or national level for at least one full school year? *
Have you been an active member of TSA in a currently affiliated chapter for at least one semester? *
What local, state and/or national office(s) have you held in TSA? In what year or years did you hold this office? *
List the chapter, state, or national committees that you have served on while in TSA. *
What office(s) have you held in other organizations? In what year or years did you hold this office? *
What TSA events and conferences (regional, state, or national) have you attended? Provide the event location and year. *
List the awards you have earned for TSA competitive events. Provide the year(s) and place(s). *
Which service projects have you participated in that have benefited your school or community? Briefly describe each service project and the benefit(s). *
Briefly describe a presentation on TSA that you made to a group other than your chapter. *
Today's Date *
Has your chapter advisor read your application and approved your nomination? *
Has your school principal read your application and approved your nomination? *
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