Driver's Eligibility Certificate
Please use this form to submit a request for a Driver's Eligibility Certificate.  The student's eligibility will be verified within 1-2 business days. If the student is eligible (based on most recent report card grades), parents/guardians will be notified to visit the school to sign the form. Students are not permitted to sign the form for themselves.  A parent/guardian signature is required.  You must provide a copy of the Driver Education Certificate of Completion before a Driver's Eligibility Certificate will be provided. Please note *** Driver's Education Courses are not taught at RM Prep.***  You must register for Driver's Ed at a NC Driving School (i.e. Jordan Driving School).
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Email *
Student Name *
Current Grade Level *
My child has taken a NC Driver's Education course and has received a Driver's Education Certificate of Completion. *
My child has already received a Driver's Eligibility Certificate, but it has expired. Please note, you may be issued up to 2 (two) certificates.  Please be sure to visit the DMV before the expiration date on the form. *
Parent/guardian Name *
Parent/guardian Contact Number *
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