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Email *
Players Full Name
Parents Name *
Phone number *
Players Age *
Players Date of Birth
What positions does your player play or want to learn to play. (Ex: Pitcher, Short Stop etc...) *
Interested in 1 on 1 training? *
Important things to note: At a Hyenas Fastpitch tryout we are not always looking for you to be the best player on the team or super elite. We want to see your absolute best effort, your ability to recover from errors, your willingness to learn and take direction. We want to get a good look at the players overall character, attitude and potential. That said there are no guarantees of making a team. 

If you have read and agree please type your full name below. (must be 18yr or older to electronically sign for yourself otherwise a parent must sign for a minor)

Expect for someone to reach out to you in the next 72 hours to set up a tryout. Our coaches can't wait to meet you GO HYENAS!
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