I.P.S Student Bus Transportation Request
Please fill this request form if any of the following applies.
  1. You have an incoming Kindergartner or Junior Kindergartner  who requires bussing. 
  2. Your student is changing schools, elementary to middle school even if they were assigned a bus in the past. 
  3. Your student is new to the district, or hasn't been assigned to a bus stop in the past.  

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Name of Student(s) and grade level *
Name of Parents/Guardians *
Parent/Guardian's Phone Number *
Current Address(address for the School year) *
Please request a location where you wish your student to be picked up and brought to school. *
Please request a location where your student is to be dropped off after school? (If its different from pick up location) Only 1 location that differs from pick up location will be met.   *
If it's a daycare provider, please list the daycare supervisors name and their phone number.  *
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