Call for Comfort & Joy 2023 Animalia Events 
Bring your event to Comfort and Joy on Playa!

Bring your Werkshop, Sexshop , DragJ-ing, Flaming Sword Swallowing, Sexy Stretching and more to Comfort and Joy. Please fill out the form below to let us what you want to bring to playa. If you have any questions please reach out to one of C&J Cruising Directors DannyBaby or Kompass at 

*Please note this is not an application to camp with Comfort and Joy. If you are interested in camping with us click here.
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Email *
Call me by your name..... Which is? *
Want to share your pronouns? (it's optional) *
Are you camping at Comfort and Joy this year? *
Have you visited our camp at Burning Man before? *
Have you been to a Comfort and Joy Event before? *
Tell us about yourself, your offering, your event or performance. *
Name of Event 
Short Description (140 character max) 
Long Description (for online What Where When) 
Tell us what you need to make your event awesome:
We want to empower your event to be amazing. Is there a specific space you need to host your event? Do you need sound? An assistant? A sexy space for a sexshop? A shady place to throw shade? Use the space below to let us know.
Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form and  for helping us bring our wild and queer fever dream to life on playa. 

See you in the Dust )"(
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