Test Your Vocabulary
There are ten questions in the quiz. Each question is a meaning of a single word. From the options given, choose the best word that fits the meaning given.
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Ever upward and onward to greater glory. *
1 point
 Doing something very badly, in a careless or stupid way. *
1 point
The quality shown by someone of being brave and and not afraid to take risks *
1 point
Someone or something that has the power to successfully produce a result that was desired. *
1 point
A lack of excitement or variety; boringly monotonous. *
1 point
 To make someone look and feel young and energetic again. *
1 point
To make something more lively or interesting. *
1 point
A project or task considered to have little purpose or value or even being useless and to be a waste of time and money. *
1 point
To take something necessary or pleasant away from someone or prevent them from having it. *
1 point
No longer needed or useful because its job is being done by someone or something else. *
1 point
Clear form
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