July Family Open Day
At Oasis Farm Waterloo
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Oasis Farm Waterloo is super excited to be welcoming visitors to our farm on Sunday the 18th of July. We'll be open from 1pm - 4pm and in order to keep everyone as safe as possible we've created this online booking system.
Please fill in the questions below to book a time slot to visit the farm. You will have an hour on site from your entry time, within this time you'll be guided between activities getting time to interact with the animals, explore the garden and get involved with some craft.  
Our family days are open to any age, (you're still allowed to come along even if you're all grown ups) but anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. At this time we're only able to cater to groups of up to 6.
What is your name? (we only need one name per  booking) *
How many people will be in your group?
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How many under 18's will be in your group? (please add their ages as well)
What is your preferred entry time?  
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What would be your second choice of entry time?
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Are your preferred times the only times you can make?
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We'll email you back to confirm your slot. Please let us know if you'd like to be emailed again to let you know about other open days.
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