Adult Guided Tour and Group Visit Request
Booking Requests must be made a minimum of 2 weeks before the desired tour date. After receiving your booking request, we will contact you to confirm availability before the booking is completed. Please note that tour bookings are not finalized until deposits are received.

***PLEASE NOTE: We can tentatively book tours in advance however, we cannot confirm tour guide availability until 4-6 weeks prior to the requested date***

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Requested Date *
Requested Time *
Guided tours are 45-60 minutes in length depending on the audience and are available during regular opening hours. Our Current hours are: Tuesday to Friday 10 am to 4 pm, Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 5 pm.                                                                                   
Type of visit
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Age of Participants *
Select all that apply. The admissions below do not include GST.  We require a ratio of one adult supervisor for every five children under 15 years old.
Total Number of Participants *
Number of Participants in Each Age Group *
List the number of participants in each age group selected above.
Additional Requirements
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Special Requests and Comments
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