2024 Forest Notes Reader Survey
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What do you typically do with Forest Notes? Select all that apply. *

How much time do you spend reading each issue of Forest Notes?

If you don't regularly read the magazine, why? Please be specific.
What actions have you taken as a result of reading Forest Notes? Select all that apply.
What's the most memorable story you've read in the past year in Forest Notes?
How would you rate the following visual aspects of Forest Notes
Readability (size of type, graphics)
Quality of interior photography
Quality of interior design
Quality of cover design
Quality of cover image
Ratio of photography to text
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Forest Notes has:
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
inspired me to explore a new Forest Society property
inspired me to volunteer
raised my awareness or curiosity about conservation issues
increased my understanding of the Forest Society’s mission in action
inspired me to donate

What departments in the magazine do you enjoy reading the most? Select all that apply.

What topics would you like to see covered more, less, or about the same amount in Forest Notes
Same amount
Outdoor recreation, with ideas of where to go
Recreation with children, seniors, dogs
Nature, wildlife, or natural history
Scientific research applied on Forest Society landsas
Information about climate change, forests, and wildlife
Conservation/environmental news
Green living/renewable energy
Information about events and news from flagship Forest Society properties (The Rocks, Mt. Major, Creek Farm, etc.)
Forest Society history or regional history
Forest Society news and accomplishments
What could we do to improve Forest Notes? Please be specific. 
Of all the benefits of your Forest Society membership, how important is receiving the print edition of Forest Notes
How likely are you to purchase a product or service advertised in a magazine?
How important is online content related to the magazine (e.g., photo slideshows, videos, web-exclusive stories) to you?
Which of the following magazines do you read in print or online?
How long have you been a member of the Forest Society?

What is your age category? (Reminder: all answers kept confidential.)

What is your highest education level?
Clear selection
How many hours of outdoor activities do you engage in per week?
Clear selection

What Forest Society digital communication channels do you follow or subscribe to? Select all that apply.

That’s it, you’re done! Thanks so much for your feedback. 
(Optional) In appreciation of your time, please include your email address below to be entered into a drawing to win your choice of a bucket hat or baseball hat with the Forest Society logo. (Your email will not be collected or added to any lists!)
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