Tavern allergy and information form
Please let us know what you can and would like to eat! We would like to know your food allergies, intolerances, dislikes, and preferences.  All information is collected on a volunteer basis and stored privately to be used by Plot and Tavern to create menus that folks will enjoy and not die from.
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Email *
Real name *
As it appears on you character sheet
Do you have any severe food allergies? *
Please list any foods, or types of foods, you absolutely cannot eat due to severe allergies/medical issues.
If no foods apply, please just type "no".
Do you have any food intolerances or sensitivities? *
Please list any food intolerances or sensitivities that you have.
If no foods apply, please just type "no".
Are there foods that you dislike? *
Please list any food, or types of foods, that don't like eating.
If no foods apply, please just type "no".
What foods do you like? *
Please list any food, or types of foods, that you like eating.
What food do you not like being served in tavern? *
Based on prior experience or just personal judgement, please list foods, or kinds of foods, that you believe would not work well being included in a tavern menu?
What food do you like being served in tavern? *
Based on prior experience or just personal judgement, please list foods, or kinds of foods, that you believe would work well being included in a tavern menu?
Anything else we should know?
If there is anything else you would to share or say regarding tavern, please share below.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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