Thank you for your interest in Pacific Center's Living Fully group! Our winter cohort runs from Jan 21st-March 25th, 5:30 - 7pm,  PST. 

This group will meet over Zoom video every Tuesday for the following 9 weeks, excluding holidays. We do ask that folx commit to attend all nine sessions. Throughout the nine weeks, we will cover topics of intersectionality, experiences of stigma and oppression, the isolation that can occur while having HIV/AIDS and chronic illness(es), sex and relationships, navigating systems of care, medication management, self-care, spirituality, and end of life. Many of our current members reflect that this group is one of the only places they can talk openly about living with HIV.

This group is a Ryan White funded program,  which requires us to gather specific information from all participants. The group is free of charge, with the following eligibility criteria:

- Resident of Alameda county or Contra Costa County.
- Proof of HIV/AIDS diagnosis.
- Annual income less than $75,300.
- Proof of current medical insurance or a document stating that you don't have medical insurance.
If you have any questions, please contact group facilitator Melanie Ferrari, Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist #125787, Registered Associate Professional Clinical Counselor #9630 at
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Email *
What county do you reside in? (Required by our grantor) *
Do you have a phone number where you can be confidentially reached?
Is it okay if we leave a message saying we're calling from the Pacific Center? *
Is it ok to contact you via email about this group?
How did you hear about the Living Fully support group?
What are your expectations of a support group?
Are there any topics you would like to see covered in group?
If you've had experience with therapeutic groups in the past, what has been your experience?
Are you in individual therapy?
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Can you commit to all 9 weeks of group?
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Do you have any mental health issues that we should know about?
What is your annual income? (Required by our grantor) *
Can you provide proof of your positive status (Required by our grantor) *
Can you provide proof of medical insurance? (Required by our grantor). *
If you don't have medical insurance,  can you provide proof (ex. an affidavit) of not having insurance?
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Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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