NRHS Band Front "Permission to Audition" Form
This document should be read and reviewed by both the applicant and parents of the applicant.  The purpose of this form is to make sure that the applicant, and parents of the applicant, fully understand what is involved in participating in Royalaires, and that everyone understands the time commitment, physical demands, effort required, and cost involved.  It is recommended that families review this information and discuss as a family before submitting this form.

For the purpose of this form, whenever the term "Band Front" is utilized, it is referring to the Royalaire Color Guard group.
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The Royalaire Color Guard is a very intense, precision based, corps-style marching auxiliary units that require dedication, determination, and 110% effort at all times. The success of this group is based on this commitment from every member of the team.  This is a highly physical, intense activity, and by its definition, is considered to be a “Sport of the Arts.” Students should be in good physical shape, and work on endurance and stamina throughout the season to avoid injury.   Because of the intense rehearsal schedule, no Royalaire may participate in any other fall sport or sport-like activity (cheerleading, etc.) The Royalaire team is treated as a sport. *
All members who make the teams are expected to be at every rehearsal and performance.  Royalaires will start practice immediately in June and rehearse throughout June and July before band camp begins in August.  Attendance is mandatory at these summer rehearsals, however family vacations are excusable absences in the months of June and July if the conflict is submitted BEFORE the auditions take place.   If you know of a possible conflict/vacation/reunion – please submit this in writing with a parent signature to the advisor and to Mr. Vitale. Once August begins, the band will begin rehearsing daily, as well as Royalaires – calendars will be distributed to the members.  Once the School year begins, Royalaires will Rehearse Monday evenings, and will rehearse with the Band on Wednesdays and Fridays. Like any other sport, there are practices every day.  There will be Saturday rehearsals throughout the months of September and October and exact days and times will be announced by the advisors, however members of the Royalaires should expect Saturday rehearsals in the months of September and October. *
For performances, the advisors will give specific guidelines for how the uniform is to be worn, hemmed, etc. and additionally there will be guidelines for hair and make-up that need to be followed, failure to do so will be considered a uniform violation. Remember, we are judged on all facets of uniformity.  All Band Front will rehearse in the proper uniform on Friday and Saturday including their black uniform leotards and black marching band shoes. Any Band Front member who does not have their proper marching band shoes, black uniform leotard (properly hemmed) for rehearsal will not march that performance and their grade will be impacted.  The advisors reserve the right to change and alter the uniform for different performances and the decision of the advisors is final. *
Students who are accepted into the Royalaires are ambassadors of the team, the NRHS Band, North Royalton High School, and the North Royalton community. Students who make unwise decisions even outside of school hours or school grounds may have repercussions dealing with the Royalaires, including but not limited to: removal of captain status, removal from Royalaires, removal from the Band, and/or any other consequence the administration feels appropriate.  Band Front members should treat their equipment and uniforms with care and respect – see the Band Handbook for details. Band Front members should respect and follow directions from all directors, staff members, and advisors.  Disrespect of any kind (verbal/text/social media/) will not be tolerated, and will result in disciplinary action.  Additionally, students should respect each other, the band equipment and facilities and each other’s property. – See Band Handbook for details *
Punctuality is an important part of the group’s success. Students should plan ahead for traffic/parking/retrieving equipment/stretching so that rehearsals can BEGIN at the time noted on the schedule.  Rehearsal will conclude at the time printed on the schedules, however often times there are announcements, students retrieve equipment, clothing, water bottles, etc. which may take an additional 5-10 minutes, students who do not drive should make sure their car-pool driver knows this so that they can plan accordingly, however rehearsal will go all the way the printed time on the schedule. *
Members of the Royalaires will be expected to “check-off” their routines the same way that members of the band are expected to “check- off” their music. The advisors/director reserve the right to remove a Royalaire for a portion or all of a performance if they are not performing their routine proficiently.  The report card grade that is earned is a result of the student being able to successfully demonstrate and "check-off" their routines.  Students that do not / cannot do this will have that reflected in their report card grade.  Any unexcused absences of rehearsals or performances will also result in lowering the students' overall report card grade.
By (1) submitting this form and (2) participating in the audition, it "finalizes" the student's decision to participate in the group and the student cannot "change their mind" after that point if their name appears on the final list of accepted students. *
There are costs involved with being in the band front.  All students in the band pay a Uniform Fee, Course Fee Band Participation Fee.  Additionally there is Band Front Fee.  (If a student is a Royalaire in the fall, and then plays a school-owned instrument, there is an additional rental fee that is in addition to these fees.)  There are additional costs involved, and band front members are expected to purchase and own Band Front Shoes, White Band T-shirt, Purple Band polo, Khaki Pants, Knee-Length Khaki Shorts, Band Front Gloves, and certain make up cosmetics.  (details are on the Band Website under Required Uniform and Supplies List).   *
Last Name of Applicant *
First Name of Applicant *
Grade you will be in this fall *
Student Digital Signature - (type your name below with date) *
By typing your name into the field below - it signifies you have read, reviewed, understand, and accept all of the Band and Band Front Policies outlined.
Parent Digital Signature - (type your name below with date) *
By typing your name into the field below - it signifies you have read, reviewed, understand, and accept all of the Band and Band Front Policies outlined.
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