The Distributed Workforce Project
The Workforce is Melting and we at FarsideHR need your help.

The future of work is distributed. In an increasingly dynamic and fluid workplace, the role of the manager is evolving to become the primary hub in a geographically dispersed network of employees, contractors and 3rd parties. It's a hard job that will only get harder as the future of work accelerates.

Some leaders are already thriving in this future of work today. What makes them so successful so that we may all benefit? To help managers develop their own future-ready management routines, we at FarsideHR have launched The Distributed Workforce Project. Know an awesome people manager who has truly excelled when their team was geographically dispersed? This person may have been an inspirational front line Supervisor you reported to or a highly competent CEO you indirectly served under.  We want to know what made them exceptional. The common thread is that you have direct, first hand insights from working under this exceptional manager. Tell us your perspectives on what this manager did so effectively and receive a copy of results. To learn more about FarsideHR and The Distributed Workforce Project, please visit our website

Have an exceptional distributed workforce Manager in mind? Let's get started. Remember, if you take more than 5 minutes, you're overthinking it! But if you do have a question, please email us at


Thinking specifically about the best distributed workforce Manager you have ever worked for either
   a) directly, or indirectly within their hierarchy/organization or,
   b) either as a traditional employee OR as a temp/contractor:

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Overall, this Manager was the BEST I have ever experienced at managing a distributed team:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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Before answering any other questions, what would be the main reason you endorse this person as an exceptional Manager of distributed teams:
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