Little Ones Baby Massage Interest Form
September Baby Massage Classes are now FULL but you can book in for October or December
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Baby Massage 5 week course
I am delighted to be offering In Person Baby Massage Course.

🗓  Day: Tuesday
🗓  Time: 10-11.30
💗  5 week course, 
💗  In Person: Classes take place in my home in Laytown, Co. Meath (20 minutes from Donabate roundabout, 10 mins from Drogheda and Balbriggan). 
💗  Small Groups: The spaces are limited to make sure everyone can engage fully.
💸 Cost €120
👍 Some or all refundable by health insurance,  depending on your plan, check with your insurer
🧒 Time works well for collecting older siblings from preschool
💆‍♀️  Full selection of massage strokes including Colic tummy routine. Laminated handouts provided and Organic oil.
💗 suitable from birth to 12 months

Contact if you are interested or have any questions .

More information at
Thank you for your interest 😍😘
Please note your information will be kept for the purposes of contacting you about this upcoming class, no future classes or events, and it will NEVER be passed to third parties (unless agreed upon in the future). Are you happy for me to keep this info to contact you about this Baby Massage Class? *
If you join the class, are you happy for me to also contact you about sling meets, breastfeeding groups, birth experience evenings, for the duration of the class and for 3 months after? *
What type of Baby Massage Course are you interested in? *
What is your and your baby's full name? *
What age is your baby? *
What is your phone number? *
Was your little one premature? If so what is his/her corrective age? *
Do you or your baby have any physical constraints that may effect baby massage? We will be sitting on a blanket and cushions on the floor in case that may effect you. *
What course are you interested in booking? *
How would you like to pay deposit?
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Where did you hear about this course?
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