Darkwind Guild Application
Please answer all the questions below to complete the application process.  
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Before filling out our guild application, it comes with an understanding that we expect our Darkwind members to follow a Code of Conduct. *
What name should we use when contacting you? *
What is your Discord tag so we can reach you? When is a good time to contact you for an interview? *
What are your preferred pronouns? *
How old are you? *
What other guilds have you been a part of? Why did you leave/want to leave? *
How did you hear about Darkwind? *
How long have you been playing on Wyrmrest Accord? *
What kind of in-game interests do you have? *
Why do you want to be a part of this guild? *
What are you looking for in a guild? *
What experience do you have playing WoW? Perhaps you are new to WoW but have played other MMO's for years. Have you raided before? New to Alliance? New to RP servers? *
Ninjas or pirates? Please justify your answer. Extra points awarded for answers given in ORIGINAL haiku, limerick, or sonnet form. *
Additional Information: If you have anything else you want to add about yourself, please do so here.
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