PMEA District Honors Band and Orchestra Audition Clinic - Presented by Seton Hill University

The Seton Hill University music department is pleased to offer two PMEA District Honors Band and Orchestra clinics FREE to all high school students planning to audition for district band and orchestra this fall. SHU faculty will present students with strategies, demonstrations, and other helpful tips as they prepare for their auditions. 

The clinics are open to all high school students, even if they are still unsure about auditioning for PMEA district ensembles. String clinics with take place on Monday, August 28th from 6:30-8:00pm. Winds and Percussion clinics will take place on Sunday, September 17th from 2:30-4:00pm. 

Both clinics will be held at the Seton Hill University Performing Arts Center (100 Harrison Ave. Greensburg PA 15601). For more information, email Dr. Chris Marra at

Admission is free. Registration is required by filling out the information below. 

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Parent/Gardian First Name *
Parent/Gardian Last Name *
Parent/Gardian email address *
Please select the clinic event you would like to attend *
Primary Instrument *
Secondary Instrument (if preparing an audition on more than one)
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Year is School (for 2023-24 school year) *
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