2023 Elder & Deacon Nominations

As a Presbyterian Church, we choose our own leaders. The Nominating Committee (elected by the congregation at our Annual Meeting in February) is charged with presenting to the congregation a slate of candidates for the offices of Elder and Deacon.

The Nominating Committee asks you to give prayerful consideration to persons you would suggest to the Committee for nomination. It is also quite appropriate to put yourself forward for nomination if you feel a calling to a particular area of ministry. Both men and women are eligible for election to all church offices. Requirements to serve as an elder or deacon of the church include: 1. Being a member in good standing at MPC. 2. A regular record of financial giving to the church. 

Once you hit “submit”, the form will be sent to Pastor Keenan and the Nominating Committee. All deacon/elder recommendations must be received no later than Thursday, March 23rd at 12:00pm.

“The office of Deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, warm sympathies, and sound judgment should be chosen for the office.” Book of Order, G-6.0401
The Board of Deacons ministers to those in need, the sick, the friendless, and any who may be in distress, in accordance with the Scriptural duties of the office. The office is one of sympathy and service, after the example of the Lord Jesus.

“Elders should be persons of faith, dedication, and good judgment. Their manner of life should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel, both within the church and in the world.” Book of Order, G-60303
“It is the duty of elders, individually and jointly, to strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the congregation committed to their charge. Together with the pastor, they should encourage people in the worship and service of God, equip and renew them for their tasks within the church and for their mission in the world…they should inform Pastor and Session of those persons and structures that need special attention.” Book of Order, G-6.0304
Ruling Elders, together with the Pastor, constitute the Session. The Session is responsible for the spiritual direction of the church as well as carrying out programs, financial stewardship, and property. The Session is the final decision-making body of the congregation. A healthy Session is the core of a healthy Presbyterian Church.

The Session will carry out its program responsibilities through committees and commissions comprised of members of the congregation. These include Adult Discipleship, Children's Discipleship, Youth Discipleship, Communications, Finance, Facilities, Fellowship, Integration & Discipleship, Missions, Personnel, Stewardship, and Worship.

Please note: If you’d like information on the Biblical qualifications of Deacons and Elders beyond the summary statements from the Presbyterian Book of Order above, contact Pastor Keenan. Thank you for your prayerful suggestions. Please hold us in your prayers as we meet and consider together.

YOU MAY ENTER UP TO 4 NOMINATIONS PER SUBMISSION. FOR EACH NOMINATION, YOU MUST SELECT DEACON OR ELDER AND GIVE THEIR NAME AND YOUR REASON(S). The more information you can include about a nominee, the more helpful this is to the Nominating Committee. Please provide your Deacon/Elder recommendations by Thursday, March 23 at 12:00pm.

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