Wander By Proxy Podcast Guest Story Form
Thank you for your interest in being part of Wander By Proxy! Wander By Proxy is a podcast that will feature women's travel stories that connect them more to themselves and the world around them.

Together we can share valuable travel stories that empower other women to take the leap and step out of their comfort zones. If you have a travel experience you'd love to share, this form provides me with preliminary info before we dive into an interview!

Don't forget to follow Wander By Proxy on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wanderbyproxypodcast 

Need help brainstorming a story? Here are some ideas that might spark a special experience:
A moment where you realized a banal event was significant and profound
A sudden instance of honesty and humanity
A moment you felt connected to the world or something/someone outside yourself
A moment you understood yourself or a friend on a deeper level
Locating your place or purpose in the world
A moment that became part of you
A realization of character defects and/or your finer qualities
Connecting to your childish enthusiasm
Seeking and finding inspiration or having a revelation
A time you surprised yourself
Leaving the safety of home and it being completely worth it
A time your expectations from a trip were flipped
Anything significant! Your story is your story

Please fill out this form so I can get an initial feel for your story. From there, I will email you using the email address you provide to coordinate an interview.

I look forward to hearing your story!
Leah Falyn

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Email *
Your first and last name: *
How did you hear about WBP? *
Where do you currently live? Tell me a little bit about yourself!
Your IG handle (for WBP social promotion) *
Please briefly summarize the story you'd like to tell. Make sure to include: Where, why you were there, and what happened. What was the before and after? I'll of course want to hear a broader view of your trip, but I'd also like you to share a specific moment or experience that stood out to you. If you need help figuring out how to narrow down your story, take a look at the prompts above. *
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