Fall 2024 Equity-Minded Grading Series
In this three-part workshop series, participants will be introduced to the pillars of equity-minded grading.  We will examine the ideas and assumptions of traditional grading and introduce strategies for ensuring that grading is mathematically accurate, bias-resistant, and instills intrinsic motivation in our students. Participants who attend and engage in all three workshops in the series and complete written reflection activities will receive funding of $200.

Please complete the questions below:
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First Name *
Last Name *
CSUN Email *
Please share why you are signing up for this program. Your response here is helpful to us as we design our program. *
Are you able to attend all three meetings in the series? They will be online via Zoom. *
Have you previously completed the equity-minded grading series?  Please note that faculty are welcome to complete the series multiple times, but are only able to receive funding once. *
Primary Home Department *
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