Discovery Center Request for Services
Please complete the following form to request Discovery Center services. Once your form has been submitted, a Discovery Center representative will contact you to follow up on your request. * - Denotes required information.
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Section A. Client Contact Information
Please provide the following contact information.
Primary Contact Person (First/Last Name): *
Primary Contact Title and Affiliation: *
Email Address: *
Phone: *
Other Primary Contact (First/Last Name): *
Other Primary Contact Title and Affiliation: *
Section B. Work/Project Information
Please provide the following information about your work/project, so we can best assist you.
Duration and Time Period of Your Work/Project:
Funding Source for Your Work/Project (if applicable): *
Brief Description of Your Work/Project:
Section C. Available Center Services
Center services are organized across three categories: 1) Comprehensive, 2) Technical Assistance, and 3) General Support. These categories, and the types of services offered under each category, are determined by the level of assistance requested from the Center.
Date of Request *
Timeframe for Services to Begin: *
Comprehensive Services - *Fees typically range from 5-20% of overall project/program budget, but are based upon the type, scale, and scope of services required. There are no "up-front" fees for development work, when the Center partners with others, on a proposal for external funding. Services usually are managed through a subaward or subcontract agreement.
Please choose the type of Comprehensive Service(s) you would like to receive:
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Technical Services - *Fees are based upon the type, scale, and scope of services required. Services usually are managed through a contract. 
Please choose the type of Technical Assistance you would like to receive:
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General Services - *Fees are based on an hourly rate for required expertise. A range of services can be provided at no cost to Miami University faculty, staff, and Center affiliates. Services usually are managed through a contract, or consultant agreement. 
Please choose the type of General Support you would like to receive:
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If the type of service you are seeking does not appear in the lists above, or if you are unsure of the services you may need, please provide a brief explanation of your needs below:
Thank you for contacting the Discovery Center for Evaluation, Research, and Professional Learning. We look forward to working with you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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