Send me the Samples! Clean & sustainable products for home & personal care.
Are you interested in a simplifying your cleaning & personal care routine? Looking to reduce exposure to toxic chemicals and save money without needing constant refills? Tired of researching ingredient labels & feeling like you can’t trust what's really in products?

I'm excited to share samples of amazing products that can replace the consumable/single use, chemical filled products taking up space in your cabinets & our landfills.

Simply share what your interests are below so I can send the right samples to your door.

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Which of these areas are you interested in reducing chemical exposure & waste in? *
What are your frustrations or products you’re looking to target with the above area(s)? *
What's your relationship with Norwex? *
How did you discover us? *
Any questions or notes for us?! :)
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Talk to you soon!!  *Follow on instagram for eco, budget & time saving tips
Lauren Burkey

Instagram: @chemfreecleanmama
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