CDSA Stands With Howard Brown Workers ON STRIKE!
Howard Brown Health Workers are going on strike this Tuesday through Thursday, and CDSA is standing with them! Fill out this form to join them on the picket line and to otherwise have their backs!
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CDSA is adopting two of the picket lines during this strike: the Sheridan Clinic (4025 N. Sheridan) and the 63rd Street Clinic (641 W. 63rd). During which window can you join us on the line? (The full schedule is listed below)
Can you commit to being a picket captain for any of these shifts? The work primarily involves committing to be there at a certain time and being a point of contact for CDSA members who might be a first timer on a picket line. Someone from Labor Branch can give you a quick training if necessary.
Who are 3 of your coworkers, friends, or family you can commit to asking to join you on the picket line?
Can you post the link to this form on social media to encourage folks to join us? Graphics for Instagram posts can be found below.
Can you donate to the strike fund?
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