Social Capital Survey
Thank you for joining Social Capital Builders at the Raise the Bar conference.  The purpose of this survey is gauge workforce development professionals' interest in social capital training.  After successfully completing the survey, we will follow-up with you about your interest in social capital and send you a distributable copy of today's presentation . Want to book time with Ed, use the Calendly link here
Your Name: *
Your Email: *
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Company/Organization *
Phone *
Do you feel this presentation needs to be seen by others? Why? Please explain your answer? *
On a scale of 1 to six with 1 being "no action" and 6 being "extreme action," what type of action are willing to take to advocate for social capital literacy in the workforce development system?  *
No Action
Extreme Action
Of the following, which may we contact you about: *
Social Capital Staff Training
Social Captial Participant Training
Foundations in Social Capital Literacy Curriculum
Opportunities Up/Violence Down
Social Capital for Entrepreneurial Success
My Opportunity Hub (MyOH)
DeJesus Keynote
Social Capital Development between organizations
Today's Presentation
Thank you. You will receive an email shortly with the link to a distributable copy of today's presentation. 
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