2024 Texas Democratic Convention Guest Pass Sign-Up - txdem.co/Convention-Guest
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Learn more on our convention website: www.texasdemocraticconvention.com

If you are having trouble advancing on this form, check to see if there is an issue with a *MANDATORY* field. For instance, if it's giving you a red error message, please make sure you are filling that field correctly.

If you still can't troubleshoot, please email: ConventionHelp@txdemocrats.org 

We look forward to seeing you in El Paso!

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First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Street Address Line 1 *
Street Address Line 2
City *
Zip Code *
Organization (If any) *
Day of Birth *
Month of Birth *
Year of Birth *
County *
Phone Number *
Please enter a cell phone number.
Communication Agreement *
By marking "I agree," you agree to share this contact information with the organizations of County/CD Convention, State Convention, your local County Party, and the State Party. This will opt you into texts, emails, calls, and mailings from these organizations.
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