Community Dance Week 
Aloha and welcome to Evolution Dance Academy! We are excited to have you join us for our Community Dance Week!!! This event is for new and current students of all ages. We welcome you to try any class with us for free! 

Please fill out the form below and select the class(es) you would like to try. 

If you have any further questions, please contact

See you on the dance floor! 

Evolution Dance Academy 
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Email *
How did you hear about us?  *
Parent/Guardian First and Last Name (if you are 18+ please list your name here) *
Phone Number  *
Mailing Address  *
City *
Zip Code *
Dancer's First and Last Name
(If you have multiple dancers, you will have the option to add another dancer in a moment.)
Dancer's Birth Date *
Dancer's Gender *
Please choose the class(es) your Dancer would like to attend.  *
Would you like to sign up a second dancer? *
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