Alberta Lawn Sign Request Form 
Please complete this google form to request one of Queer Momentum's lawn signs as part of our advocacy efforts in Alberta. We are accepting requests for lawn signs until Friday, November 22nd.

Lawn signs may be purchased with a suggested donation of $25. Purchased lawn signs will then be available for pick up in Calgary, Edmonton and Lethbridge during the week of December 1st. Details on pick up time and location will be made available on November 22nd. 

If you are unable to pick up a lawn sign at one of the sites above, we have included a shipping option with a recommended donation of $50.
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Which of the following three lawn sign options would you like to receive? *
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What is your email address?  *
We will have pickup locations in Lethbridge, Calgary and Edmonton. If you are able to pick up your lawn sign, which location would you like to pick it up from?  *
If you would like a lawn sign shipped to you, please share your street address here. Please include your street number, street name, city/town and postal code.
How to make a donation

To make a donation, please visit our Alberta Campaign Fund donation page and contribute there with your credit card. Alternatively, you may send an e-transfer to

We have a suggested donation of $25 if you will pick up your lawn sign at one of the pickup locations in Calgary, Edmonton or Lethbridge. If you require your sign to be shipped to you, we suggest a $50 donation. Lawn signs will be made made available free of charge if cost is a barrier. 
Thank you!
Please consider sending this google form to friends in Alberta so they can request a lawn sign as well! 
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