Edinburgh Climate Festival 2024 - Feedback

Thank you for attending the Edinburgh Climate Festival 2024, it was wonderful having you! We would love to hear about your experience at the event. 

The festival is run by a very small team and in collaboration with many amazing local organisations, communities and initiatives. We are always looking to improve, to learn from each experience and to grow as a festival. Thank you in advance for taking the time to fill out this feedback form. 

If you have any questions or wish to discuss anything not covered in the form, please feel free to reach out to us at edinburghclimatefestival@gmail.com.

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How would you rate your overall experience at the event?
Very Satisfied
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What were the highlights of the event for you, and what did you enjoy the most?
How would you rate the performances & activities of the day?
Very Satisfied
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Do you have any suggestions for future speakers, activities or performances?
How would you rate the organisation and logistics of the event?  
Very Satisfied
Clear selection
How satisfied were you with the following aspects of the event?
Very unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Food vendors
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  How did you hear about the ECF?  
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How can we improve the festival going forward?
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