BODYBYSOFS Application Form
Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out this form. The purpose of this form is to learn a little more about you & your goals, before going forward, to see whether you'd be a good fit for my program! If I think that you would be a good fit, I will reach out to you personally via email with a link to my Calendly calendar so that we can set up a time for your Onboarding Consulation Call. Don't worry, It's a quick FREE 15-20 minute call where we can chat face to face before taking the next step together, and it's also an opportunity for you to learn more about the program and ask me any questions you may have.
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Name *
Age *
Gender *
Email *
Instagram Handle  *
Do you work?
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Do you go to school?
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Do you take medication? If yes, please list.
What are your health & fitness goals? Please be as descriptive as possible. ex: Building Strength, Gaining Muscle, Fat loss, Gut Health, Confidence, Body Image, Healthy Eating Habits, etc.
How many days do you exercise per week?
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On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you currently with your health & fitness both physically and mentally?
Very unhappy
Super happy - Everything is PERFECT!
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On a scale of 1-10, how badly to you want to reach your fitness goals?
Not at all
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Have you ever had an In Person Personal Trainer/Fitness Coach before?
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If YES, were you happy with the results you had achieved?
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Have you ever had an Online Personal Trainer/Fitness Coach before?
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If YES, were you happy with the results you had achieved?
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If together we set realistic health & fitness goals for you in this program and I can GUARANTEE you the results so long as you: 1) Follow the program & 2) Work hard every single day - are you willing to be coachable and trust me from beginning to end of the program as your 1:1 Personal Coach?
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If together we set realistic health & fitness goals for you in this program and I can GUARANTEE you the results so long as you: 1) Follow the program & 2) Work hard every single day - are you willing to financially invest in yourself in order to achieve your goals?
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If together we set realistic health & fitness goals for you in this program and I can GUARANTEE you the results so long as you: 1) Follow the program & 2) Work hard every single day - how much money are you currently willing to invest into your health & fitness in order to reach your goals?
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If selected as a good fit for the program, do you promise to show up to the FREE Consultation Call (which you will be able to schedule based off your availability) where we can get to know each other further & chat more together about the program?
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Is there anything else you would like to share with me?
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