Step 1: Fill out this form to request childcare at Moms Groups 2024-2025
Redeemer West Side provides partially subsidized play-based childcare for children ages 6 months to 4 years old so that moms can study the Bible together, share and pray with one another, without interruption. Children 6 months and older are required to participate in childcare during the moms group meeting and must be registered through West Side Kids. 

Please use this form to let us know how many children you are requesting childcare for the 2024-2025 ministry year (September-May). We will follow up with payment options when we are able to confirm room to accommodate your request.

The fee rate for childcare is $15 per meeting ($12.50 per meeting for each sibling). This comes out to:

WEDNESDAY (27 meetings): $405 per year for first child / $337.50 per year for each additional sibling

THURSDAY (24 meetings): $360 per year for first child / $300 per year for each additional sibling

The childcare fee is payable yearly or in two semester installments.

Please reach out to Susana Gough at if you anticipate needing a partial or full scholarship to participate or if you are able to sponsor an extra childcare spot.  
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Your full name *
Email address *
Phone number *
Which Moms Group will you be attending? *
How many children would need childcare? *
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