This scholarship has been established by the Latino and Latina Roundtable of the Pomona and San Gabriel Valley. This goal of this scholarship is to help with college expenses and encourage local students to attain higher education and to continue their activism. We want to support those who may be struggling due to not having the financial support to continue their education.
*The scholarship committee does not discriminate based on race, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, or legal status.
Must be a current resident in the Pomona or San Garbiel Valleys (call if you are unsure)
Must be an undergraduate college student in the Fall of 2025
To Apply:
Submit a maximum two-page essay that covers the following:
1. Who you are - What experiences have influenced you?
2. How are you involved in the social justice movement?
3. Your goals in working for social change, what problem is your involvement addressing?
Note: Essay must be submitted in either Spanish or English.
Submit one letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor, mentor, Latino and Latina Roundtable member, or community leader and include their contact information. The recommendation letter must be sent by recommender to committee to this email or mailed to the address below.
All required materials must be submitted or postmarked via mail or e-mail to the address below no later than February 28th, 2025 @ 11:00 pm. Incomplete applications/packages will not be accepted for consideration. For questions regarding the scholarship please contact us at Submit materials to:
LRT Scholarship Committee
1460 E. Holt Ave Mailbox #144
Pomona, CA 91767
This scholarship will be awarded at the Latino and Latina Roundtable's 21st Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast.