Florida Move to Amend Volunteer Sign-Up
Are you interested in becoming more involved with the Move to Amend Coalition in Florida? If so, please provide your current email address. Your personal information is never shared. Move to Amend is a non-partisan coalition calling for the passage of the #WeThePeopleAmendment, a 28th Amendment to the US Constitution to abolish corporate personhood and money as political speech. See: MoveToAmend.org for more information.
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Would you like to be contacted for volunteer opportunities in Florida and any upcoming state-wide organizing calls? *
(OPTIONAL) If you selected "Yes", please provide your current city and zip code. This information will be used to determine your voting district. Identifying what voting districts petitions come from is a tool we use in lobbying representatives to demonstrate constituent support for the #WeThePeopleAmendment. Your personal information is never shared.
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