NYC Disability Rights Archive - General Survey
As a reflection of The College of Staten Island Archives and Special Collections commitment to documenting the Willowbrook story, the archives is using a New York State Documentary Heritage Planning Grant to look at the disability rights movement in New York City. The disability community is diverse, but civil rights and social inclusion are shared goals.

If you have materials that are relevant to this history, or if you would like to volunteer to assist with project, please give us some more information so we can get in touch.
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Full Name *
Email address *
Phone number (optional)
Name of the organization associated with the materials (if applicable)
Would you like to receive regular updates about the project? *
Would you be interested in volunteering to help with the project? *
What kind of materials do you have?
How much material do you have (or know about)?
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Are you willing for these records to become publicly accessible in the future? *
Will you allow a general description of the records to be made publicly accessible now? *
Please give a description of the items you would like to contribute (ex. Photos and documents related to the creation of the Taxis for All Campaign). If you would prefer to describe the items over the phone, please include your phone number above and type "call" below.
What approximate timeframe were the items created? (ex. 1996 -1998)
Are you aware of existing archives related to the disability rights movement in New York City? If so, please list them below.
How would you like to contribute materials? *
If you selected "Arrange an appointment for pickup" please enter your address below
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