UNCP Binder Request Form
While there are a number of valid reasons for folks of any identity to wear a chest binder - this  free binder program is intended to help trans and non-binary folks in need. That means those who can not otherwise obtain a binder, can not afford a binder, etc.

Please only request a free binder if you are truly in need of one. We have a very limited number of binders available, and we use the honor system so there are as few challenges as possible for our recipients.

Currently we are prioritizing UNCP students.

***Under any circumstance we will not release your information. We value privacy***
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Are you a UNCP Student? *
Email Address: *
Phone Number
Your Name (as you wish it to appear on the package)
Your Size *
Captionless Image
Address (if you'd like it mailed).
Which cut of binder would you prefer? *
If your choice above is not available, would you prefer to wait or receive the other cut? *
In 500 characters or less, please describe your current financial need and what this free binder would mean for you. *
We are not judging your answers in terms of your writing skills. Just be open and honest.
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