Staff Member or Parent Referral for Counseling
Please use this form for all students you wish to refer to Mrs. Burris and Mrs. Ebert.  Our SISP team consists of the school counselors, school psychologist and our school social worker. We work together to ensure the student referred will receive the most appropriate resources. This is for non-emergent situations. Contact your school counselor or the front office ASAP for emergent situations.
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Your Name *
Student's Name: *
Grade Level: *
Name of Student's Homeroom Teacher *
Main Reason for Referral *
I am referring this student for the following issue related to academics:
I am referring this student for counseling assistance due to the following issues related to social/emotional/behaviors:
Please provide details for the reason of the referral. *
Is this student involved in any specials programs (EC, 504, ESL, MTSS, AIG, etc.)? *
How urgent is this referral? *
Captionless Image
Not Urgent
Which strategies have already been used to help this student? *
Which communication actions have already been made to help this student? *
Briefly describe at least 3 positive strengths that the student displays... *
What is the best time for counselor to meet with you about this student? *
If you are a parent making this referral, please include your phone number/email here. *
Any additional comments or concerns to share? *
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