End of 2nd Quarter Survey 2018-19
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Name *
What is the most important or useful thing you have learned so far in this class? *
What have you LIKED working on this quarter?  Check as many boxes as you want. *
Why did you LIKE those things? *
What have you NOT LIKED working on this quarter?  Check as many boxes as you want. *
Why did you NOT LIKE those things? *
At the beginning of the year you set goals for yourself for this class.  Do you think you're making progress toward your goals? *
Why or why not?  Please briefly explain.
Is there anything you think we should have spent more time on this quarter? *
If yes, please explain what.  If no, just say no.
Is there anything that we've learned this quarter that is still confusing to you? *
If yes, please explain what.  If no, just say no.
What else do you still need to learn and/or what are you looking forward to learning? *
Please rate your effort for first quarter *
Please check off what you think you need to work on *
About Ms. Goldsberry
I AGREE that Ms. Goldsberry is... *
(check only if you agree)
I think Ms. Goldsberry NEEDS TO WORK ON... *
(check the boxes of things you think I need to work on)
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