Do You Have Problem Properties On Your Block?
Tell Us About Them!
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Lawrenceville United wants to know about the problem properties in your neighborhood. Is there a problem property on your block? Do you live near a house that is an eyesore? A health hazard? A drug house? Constant problems? Boarded up? Vacant? Would you like to see action taken to improve these properties? Lawrenceville United wants to help!

Begin by contacting the city of Pittsburgh at 311 or 911 (for emergencies). If you have a suggestion for one or more problem properties on your block, please let us know! Simply fill out the form below. If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the office at (412) 802-7220.
Property Address:
Street You Live On:
Further Concerns:
Did you make a 911 or 311 call?
911 or 311 reference number:
if applicable
LU will report out on the status of these properties at monthly block watch  meetings, after reviewing with the Lawrenceville Public Safety Action Team.
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