BALID Membership Application Form
BALID is a non-governmental organisation promoting adult and family literacy and numeracy as a basic human right, in the context of development. BALID brings together organisations and individuals who believe that sharing experience about learning and literacy can help enrich workers and citizens in both the industrial and the developing world.

For more information, visit our website
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Thank you for your interest in being a member of BALID!
BALID is a global community of people who are all passionate about literacy in development – practitioners and academics, literacy and language experts, students, early career scholars, NGO staff and policy consultants.

As a BALID member, you will be able to:

1. participate fully in our community, engaging in discussions, sharing your knowledge and experience – whether great or small – and being supported by colleagues who share your passion  

2. contribute regularly to our blog and publicise your events through our growing BALID mailing list, website and social media channels  

3. give your input to BALID’s strategic direction by voting at our BALID AGM

4. benefit from priority notification of BALID events and publications

5. enjoy reduced fees for BALID events.

Annual Membership Fees and Types
Membership Fees are payable on 1st September each year.

Organisational Membership - £50
Individual Membership - £20
Student Membership - £10
Concessionary Membership (unwaged) - £10

*All fees are only applicable to organisations and individuals who are based in High Income Countries. Membership Fees are WAIVED for all other countries. Country classification follows that of the UN/World Bank. See:

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