2024 Lisowe's Lights Be Your Own Super Hero Teddy Bear Picnic Registration
We will be hosting a Be Your Own Hero themed teddy bear picnic on Friday, October 18 from 6-8pm. Feel free to come dressed in your favorite super hero attire, however dressing up is not required.  Attendees will each get to pick their very own Side Kick teddy bear to take home with them and we will have capes that they will decorate and personalize at the picnic. 

And we all know that superheroes must be properly fueled, so we will have a pizza dinner and some favorite super hero snacks. 

This is an event open to foster children (current or former), biological children of foster parents, and children that have been adopted from foster care ages 2-12. There are no residency requirements, so if you are willing to drive to Benton (AR), you are welcome to come. Please fill out one form for each child attending.

We do have a limited number of spaces available, however, once the registration deadline closes if there are older siblings that would like to attend and we still have space, they will be welcome to also attend. Go ahead and fill out a form for any outside of the age group that would like to attend, and we will let you know via email if there is space available.

For safety and privacy reasons we will email the specific location of the party once registration is confirmed. The party will take place in Benton, AR.  If you find that you are unable to come, please send a message to lisoweslights@gmail.com as soon as you know you are not able to make it so we can open that spot for another child. 
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Attendee Name *
Attendee Age *
Attendee City *
Foster Parent Name *
Foster Parent Email *
Foster Parent Phone (Will only use to text if we cannot contact via email) *
Has this child attended a Lisowe's Lights event before?  *
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